Lieferadresse (Ersatzschule):
Umfahrungsstraße 26

9100 Völkermarkt
Pestalozzistraße 1

9100 Völkermarkt

8AB language trip to Malta

We started our trip on Saturday at half past 4 in the morning. We got on the bus to Vienna Airport, from where we boarded our flight to Malta. We were picked up by some friendly interns from our language school who took us to our host families. After a short orientation walk around the area of St. Julian’s, where our language school is located, we spent the evening at our host families.

On Sunday the bus picked us up at 9.30. We had a fun ride to Marsaxlokk, which is a quiet fishing village. There we could explore the market by ourselves and try new foods, such as the traditional pastizzi or cactus fruit. Afterwards we visited the Blue Grotto where we had a short lunch break. Lastly, we had a city tour visiting one of the three cities, Vittoriosa, including the Inquisitors Palace, Victory Square and many more stops. Finally, we went back to St. Julian’s and enjoyed our evenings.

The last first day of school for the 8AB started with a ride on the sightseeing Malta bus to school. We had our first lessons that Monday and after a short break we made our way to Valetta. Once we had arrived our guide showed us around and we also had some time to explore the beautiful city by ourselves. After the short break we had the opportunity to see a movie called The Malta Experience, which summed up the history of the island beginning with the first inhabitants and ending at today’s citizens.

On Tuesday morning we were picked up by the bus which then took us to school. There we had lessons on Malta and immigration and after our lunch break we drove to Ghajn Tuffieha Bay, which is a beautiful beach along the coast of the island. There we enjoyed our afternoon. We swam in twhe sea and watched the sunset as well as took some unique pictures.

From Wednesday morning until midday, we went to the ESE school. Afterwards we took a bus and a boat to arrive at the small island of Comino. There we jumped off cliffs, swam through a cave and enjoyed the rest of our stay at the breathtaking “Blue Lagoon” with crystal clear turquoise water. From our standpoint this was the best trip during our Malta experience!

On Thursday or group visited the historical city and previous capital of Malta, Mdina and its surrounding "suburb" Rabat. Our guide showed us the stunning buildings of many different centuries and architectural styles including medieval, baroque and neoclassical as well as the view from the city’s walls overlooking most of the island, once used to defend it from attacking armies. In our free time some of us later visited the numerous jewellery or ceramic shops throughout the city, while others decided to go to "Fontanella Garden Café" and have one of their typical chocolate cakes or milkshakes.

It's Friday, our last day here in Malta on our language trip. In the morning we had school as usual and received our certificates from the ESE language school. We had a free afternoon that we could organize individually and, in the evening, both classes went out to dinner with their teachers to let the evening pass pleasantly.

Saturday marked our trip back home. Once again, an early flight, forcing us to get up at 4am. We arrived back in Völkermarkt at 2pm. We really wish for the rest of our last schoolyear to go as smoothly as this language trip!

(This frankentext was stitched together from single day reports produced by the students of 8AB)



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